1976 Chocolate Drive, Cookeville, TN 38501 (Corporate Address, Solid Dose Division)
7978 Industrial Park Road, Easton, MD 21601 (Liquids & Topicals Division)
Contact Info:
Paul Glintenkamp, Vice President of Sales
Social Media:
FB: https://www.facebook.com/aphenapharma/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/1977915
Aphena Pharma Solutions is a large pharmaceutical solution company focused on manufacturing and packaging for the pharmaceutical, OTC, RX, dietary supplement, consumer health, medical device, and biologics marketplaces.
Aphena was formed by a family of well-established, contract pharmaceutical companies: PrePak Systems, TestPak, Celeste, and Integrated Pharmaceutical Packaging. Aphena specializes in handling solid dose, liquids, gels, creams, ointments, foams, suspensions, lotions, medical devices, and biologics.