Revised HPUS Website to Launch in June

By Eric L. Foxman, Senior Scientist, HPCUS
The revised and updated for the Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States will tentatively be launched June 5. The newly designed website will continue to be the official compendium for homeopathic products recognized by the U.S. Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act. Every manufacturer of a homeopathic product is urged to be a subscriber to this standard-setting document.
Continuing to host the official monographs and information of the HPUS, the redesigned website will allow easier access to all the information. Subscribers will immediately notice that all content for each monograph will now be on one webpage, eliminating the need to toggle back and forth between descriptive information and quality parameters.
Monographs can be accessed with an improved search function, allowing for lookups based on more match possibilities (including “all”, “at least one”, and “without”); this will make it possible to view groups of monographs that may be of interest for technical or research purposes. Some sort functions also permit overviews for groups of similar monographs based on the sort utilized. Some monographs have been reformatted to separate information that previously may have been difficult to locate; this includes monograph-specific warning statements that need to appear on labeling.*
New menu layouts make it easier to access the guidance documents and to navigate to specific sections of these documents, including those for manufacturing, GMPs, and labeling. These layouts also provide easy access to test methods and reagent specifications referred to in the various monographs’ Quality Control Specifications.
A comprehensive footer, found on every webpage, provides an alternative pathway to every section that subscribers and visitors will access. In response to subscriber requests, the website will include an archive of notifications on updates so users can look for changes that have been made and when.
AAHP will host a webinar on behalf of HPCUS to introduce subscribers and other interested persons to the new website. Watch for a promotional email to join shortly after the launch. This webinar will include a tour of the website to help orient you to quickly find the new location of familiar information .
All who have signed up for the free HPUS Update Notification Email (sign up here) will receive a notice of the launch date. Existing subscribers will continue to enjoy uninterrupted access, though it will be necessary for subscribers to create a new password for access. Subscribers are urged to watch for an email for necessary steps to ensure a smooth transition.
* 21 CFR §369.7 requires drug products to bear on their labels any warning statements that are included in official monographs. There is no exemption for homeopathic drug products from this requirement: “Any drug included in the official compendia defined by the act shall bear such warning or caution statement as may be required by such compendia, and no statement in subpart B or subpart C of this part is intended to alter, modify, or permit the omission of any such statement required by such compendia.”