New Continuing Education Course on Homeopathy for Midwives 

AAHP encourages all those in receipt of this announcement to share the news with appropriate contacts in support of homeopathy. 

A new continuing education (CE) course on homeopathy for midwives has been approved by the American College of Nurse-Midwives (ACNM) for two contact hours inclusive of two pharmacology contact hours. “Homeopathy: A State of the Science Review with Recommendations for Practical Therapies in Midwifery Practice” is available through ACNM’s Journal of Midwifery Women’s Health 2023. The 20-page supplement assists midwives in maintaining their license while keeping up to date on questions about homeopathy. 

Authors Amy Tinney, MSN, FNP-C, CPM, LM, and Elizabeth Rice, ND, DHANP from Sonoran University wrote, “Given this lack of education and the broad acceptance and popularity of homeopathy, it is necessary for health care practitioners to improve their knowledge regarding similarities and differences among therapies so they can fully inform and make appropriate recommendations to patients.” 

The intent of this article is therefore to examine the state of existing science of homeopathy, distinguish it from other complementary methods, and provide midwives and women’s health care providers with an introduction to common homeopathic therapies that may be recommended and safely used by persons seeking midwifery care. This review also presents the evidence base, pharmacology, manufacturing, and regulation of homeopathic therapies. Also considered are controversies and misunderstandings regarding safety and efficacy of homeopathic remedies relevant to women and birthing persons. Examples of practical applications of homeopathic therapies for use in midwifery practice are introduced. Implications for practice and sample guidelines are included. 

This free course is valid until April 21, 2024. To get started, visit: Receive a continuing education certificate by visiting to take the test, complete the evaluation, and pay processing fees online. 

ACNM is an approved provider of CE for certified nurse midwives/certified midwives (CNMs/CMs). ACNM contact hours are accepted for the American Midwifery Certification Board (AMCB) Certificate Maintenance Program (CMP) and for National Certification Corporation (NCC) certification maintenance. Other professional groups may recognize ACNM contact hours as well. Health care providers who are not CNMs/CMs should check with their certifying and licensing agency. 

Support for this supplement has been provided by Boiron USA. Boiron representatives provided no input into the article content.