The Story of Homeopathy Told in Upcoming Feature Documentary

The homeopathic community has no shortage of positive stories to tell—from the ways our drugs have improved the health of countless individuals, to the ways we support and empower the communities in which we work. The more we can get out the word about the remarkable benefits of homeopathy, the better!
The upcoming feature-length documentary Just One Drop is one such story that promises to spread homeopathy’s affirmative story far and wide. Eight years in the making, the film is slated for release in January 2017 and will take viewers on a journey through homeopathy—its history, controversy, and its promise of a safe therapeutic complement to conventional medicine.
Directed and produced by veteran filmmaker Laurel Chiten, the film will give an overview of the history of homeopathy and will also delve into current uses, beliefs about, and policies on homeopathy in various locations across the globe, including New York, India, Tanzania, Haiti, and England.
By sharing homeopathy’s story, the documentary aims to clarify misconceptions about our industry and show the public how homeopathy is an integrative healthcare option. The film also will provide a platform for skeptics to share their concerns, beginning to bridge the communication gap between homeopathy and allopathic medicines.
Chiten expects the film to be screened across the country at conferences, local art house theaters, community centers, classrooms, and hospitals. The filmmaker will join AAHP at our upcoming semi-annual conference in Baltimore (Sept. 23, 9:00-11:30 a.m. at the downtown Holiday Inn), where members can learn more about the film and how then can contribute to the project.