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Private Screening: Introducing Homeopathy The Film

Introducing Homeopathy The Film:
A Proving of Homeopathy’s Place as a Standard in Medicine

Join us for an exclusive private screening of Introducing Homeopathy The Film – A Proving of Homeopathy’s Place as a Standard in Medicine! This viewing will occur live and in-person at the Joint American Homeopathic Conference on April 19 at 7pm.

Can’t make it to the in-person screening? If you engage with them on Instagram @introducinghomeopathy, you can enter for a chance to win a free viewing from the comfort of your home! Your double tap signals demand for this content, allowing producers to negotiate availability on mainstream platforms, raising the awareness and reputation of homeopathy.

Purchase a virtual ticket for the Exclusive Private Screening today! You’ll receive a private viewing link on April 18 (available 4/19-22), allowing you to participate in the post-screening Q&A during the live event. Purchase your virtual admission pass here.


April 19, 2024
7:00 pm - 10:00 pm EDT