Exclusive to AAHP Members is this annual briefing on the latest legal and regulatory issues from AAHP Legal Counselor Al Lorman, Esq. and on federal programs affecting your business from AAHP Lobbyist Pete Evich of Van Scoyoc Associates. This is your opportunity to hear updates and participate in discussions on FDA’s finalized guidance on homeopathy; AAHP’s Summit 2023 on work with HPCUS to build compliance and a relationship with FDA by working on regulatory and technical ambiguity in the manufacturing process; and the association’s changes and celebrations for its centennial year. Additionally, AAHP officers will provide updates on association projects and activities. Board elections will be held; those interested in running, please contact the AAHP Office. AAHP Members are encouraged to invite your government affairs team, quality assurance team, marketing team, R&D team, and CEO.
AAHP Board Member and Secretary Eric Foxman will present “AAHP: 100 Years Promoting Quality, Integrity, and Trust in Homeopathic Medicines” in celebration of the association’s centennial year at the 2023 Joint American Homeopathic Conference (JAHC). Join Eric during the conference lunch, Friday, March 24, Noon MDT. If attending in person, be sure to say hello to Eric at the AAHP booth in the exhibit hall also. The JAHC takes place Friday through Sunday, March 24–26, 2023 at the Holiday Inn Riverwalk, San Antonio, Texas. Many of events will also be live-streamed. See the full event schedule and register at www.JAHC.info.