Chapel Hill, NC 27514
Contact: George Bernstein, Ph.D.
www.ConsultMAI.comDr. George Bernstein is the President of MAI Consulting, Inc. He, his family, and pets have been using homeopathic medicines for more than 35 years. He has a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering and more than 35 years of consulting experience. He has assisted many allopathic and homeopathic companies, both nationallyand internationally, respond to and remediate Warning Letters and Form 483 observations received from the U.S. FDA. Teaching ninth grade general science taught him to simplify the complex.
Dr. Bernstein has been sharing his cGMP expertise with AAHP members since 2009 through numerous AAHP webinars, including being named the Quality Track Chair for the 2019 AAHP Summit on GMP issues and a featured speaker at the 2023 AAHP webinar “Homeopathy Good Manufacturing Practices.”