Dorfstraße 1
73087 Bad Boll/Eckwälden
+49 (0)7164 930-0
Fax +49 (0)7164 930-297
www.wala.de/english/USA Representative to AAHP
Elf Rohirrim
In 1924, Viennese chemist Dr. Rudolf Hauschka asked Dr. Rudolf Steiner, the founder of anthroposophy, what, in his opinion, life was. Steiner answered: “Study rhythms, rhythm is the carrier of life.” Soon, Hauschka was developing a natural technique for manufacturing medicine without the need for alcohol as a preservative. With that answer in mind, he integrated natural dynamic rhythms such as light/dark, warm/cold, movement/rest in an aqueous extraction process - rhythmic changes that enhanced natural preservation, which countered the decomposition process: his aqueous extracts are stabile for many years without preservatives.
Together with doctors, Rudolf Hauschka developed medicines based on these aqueous extracts. In 1935, Hauschka opened a laboratory to manufacture the new medicines and he named the company after the qualities that play a key role in the rhythmic manufacturing process: Warmth and Ashes, Light and Ashes. Eight decades later, WALA still produce medicinal herb extracts – tinctures – using the methods developed by Hauschka. The technique has been included in the German Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia, and is used by WALA to produce the homeopathically potentized ingredients for WALA medicines. Similar rhythmic processes play a role in the manufacture of essences and oil extracts used in WALA medicines, and Dr. Hauschka Skin Care and Dr. Hauschka Med products.
In 1950, WALA, with seven people, moved to Bad Boll near Stuttgart (Germany). Today, three building complexes stand in Bad Boll, where 800 employees are responsible for research and development, manufacturing and marketing. WALA produces approximately 900 different medicines and self-medication products. In addition to Germany, the products are exported to more than 40 countries on all continents. Though not marketing homeopathic products in the USA, WALA is proud to continue its long membership in the AAHP. This relationship provides WALA with accurate information on the state of the American homeopathic industry and the regulatory environment in the US.
Over 150 different medicinal plants are grown in WALA’s 11 acre biodynamic garden. Dragonflies, toads and fire salamanders make their home amid the water lily pond, stream, beehives, meadows and woods. All externally sourced components are subject to strict quality control by the WALA’s internal analytical and microbiological control laboratories. Wherever possible, these are grown biodynamically, organically or wild-crafted. WALA also maintains a strong social commitment; examples include a free employee cafeteria serving biodynamic and organic foods, financial support for using public transportation, extended and supportive maternity leave, children’s education support, and a generous profit-linked bonus program.
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