Members receive the most updated and informative regulatory and legislative changes that affect your business. In addition to receiving the AAHP’s electronic newsletter, NetworkNews (which includes articles on specific topics affecting the industry and general information such as recall trends in the pharmaceutical industry), members receive access to password protected content as well as breaking announcements and alerts.
Members are invited and encouraged to attend the Annual and Semi-annual Members’ meetings during which updates on the activities of the AAHP are provided as well as a briefing by the association consultants on pending matters of importance to the industry.
With the expertise and support of the AAHP Federal Education Project consultant, members have an opportunity to connect with their elected federal officials. Members help our association present a unified voice to the FDA, BATF, FTC, and other regulatory bodies.
Members are welcome and encouraged to participate in the various committees of the association, thereby improving the broad base upon which the AAHP presents the homeopathic industry to the larger community.
Members receive discounted pricing for the educational events of the association.
Members can utilize the AAHP educational events to satisfy their required commitment towards fulfillment of the CFR Good Manufacturing Practices requirements for employee training.
Members access (and help prepare) press releases on breaking issues in the homeopathic community.
Members receive frequent leads on technical advice, suggestions and support from other members and the AAHP organization.
Members access additional articles and information, covering both technical and regulatory topics, that are posted on the AAHP website.
The AAHP has a working agreement with a well-known underwriting firm to provide product liability insurance for members at a substantial savings over similar policies obtained on the open market. Participation in this program is entirely voluntary.
The AAHP has three (3) classes of membership:
- Voting Members are corporations, companies or subsidiaries that: (a) operate a facility that manufactures or repacks homeopathic drugs intended for sale in the United States and/or (b) sell a homeopathic product line in the United States.
- Affiliate Members are corporations or companies which do not qualify as Voting members but are interested in the manufacture, re-packing or distribution of homeopathic drugs, or which provide services to members of the homeopathic industry.
- Associate Members are individuals. An applicant for Associate membership who is employed by a corporation or other commercial entity which meets the requirements for Voting or Affiliate membership can be admitted as an Associate member only if the applicant’s employer is a Voting or Affiliate member of the Association.
Members generally possess the following qualities: (a) a knowledge of homeopathy insofar as it relates to manufacturing, distribution, marketing or selling of homeopathic drugs; (b) and such other qualities or attributes as may be designated by the Board of Directors from time to time. Voting Members must maintain an annual subscription to the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States (HPUS).
Voting members elect the Board of Directors at the annual meeting, thus providing direction for the Board’s activities. (One half of the Board is elected each year for two year terms.) After meeting requirements in the by-laws, the designated representative of Voting and Affiliate members or Associate members are eligible to be elected to the Board of Directors.