AAHP's Homeopathic Shopper Panel in the Era of COVID-19

Based on survey results from June 26–July 15, 2020


Representing the opinions of nearly 600 homeopathic consumers, this report covers market drivers and the impact of COVID-19 on shopping behaviors to help manufacturers and marketers alike.


Who should read the report?

  • Marketing and sales staff and C-levels at homeopathic companies
  • Retailers interested in the shopping habits of the natural consumer


Included in the report:

  • Questions 1–4: About the Responders
    Organization affiliations; knowledge of homeopathy; product satisfaction
  • Questions 5–11: Marketing Development
    Product trial triggers; top ranked benefits; deterrents; approach to shopping (stockpiling; enticement of sales, coupons and store displays, etc.)
  • Questions 12–16: Shopping Behaviors
    Favorite and least stores for homeopathy and why; placement within the store
  • Questions 17–21: The Effect of COVID-19 on Shopping for Homeopathic Products
    Purchase of more or less and why; shift to which online store and why; intent on where to shop after COVID-19

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Homeopathic Shopper