AAHP Reader Favorites for 2023

As the year winds down, it’s time to look back at our top articles of 2023. These five pieces were the most-read content over the past year. Thank you for your continued support of AAHP! We look forward to providing more informative news, resources, and updates in 2024.
The most viewed article of 2023 was an interview with Peter Smith, M.D., whose multi-national experiences provided a broad perspective on important steps that could make a difference to all homeopathic manufacturers in numerous countries. Peter discussed how his interest in homeopathic medicine began, his relation to the homeopathic pharmaceutical industry today, and his thoughts on the necessary steps to take the homeopathic industry into the future on a sure foundation.
Our second most viewed article of 2023 was written by AAHP President Mark Land, M.S., RAC, and focused on the future of homeopathic medicines. In the article, Mark examined the possibilities and problems ahead with the products’ dosage forms, active ingredients, packaging, and labeling.
Rounding out the top three articles of 2023 was our coverage of the “Notice of Penalty Offenses” sent by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to sellers involved in the marketing of OTC drugs, homeopathic products, dietary supplements, and functional foods. President Mark Land, M.S., RAC, provided readers with clarity on the meaning of these letters and what AAHP recommends sellers should do moving forward.
Our fourth article of 2023 was a look at research in homeopathy written by Isabelle Chanel, Director, Research and Development, and Scientific and Medical Affairs, Boiron (France). Research in homeopathy is a very wide subject and a real challenge for the pharmaceutical industry. We all know how efficient homeopathy is, but we still wonder how it works; what are the mechanisms of action? In this article, Isabelle dives into how work over the last decade has helped advance our understanding.
The fifth article of 2023 was an update on the revised website for the Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States (HPUS) written by Eric Foxman, Senior Scientist, HPCUS. The updated website features many improvements, which include a more user-friendly design with all content for each monograph consolidated on one webpage, enhanced search functions, and new menu layouts for easier navigation. The new website launched in June and is now live for users to easily navigate and enjoy here.