AAHP Compliance Thru Education Webinar ARCHIVE
In 2014, the Homeopathic Pharmacopeia Convention of the United States (HPCUS) completed another round of updates building on the changes that were drafted in 2013 and approved for final publication in April of that year. In addition to the finalized and approved Guidelines for Manufacturing Homeopathic Medicines, four new documents were posted for public comment, as well as 6 new monographed substances. This webinar archive provides an orientation to these changes as well as discusses the implementation schedule for the guideline documents.
Three members of the HPCUS present overviews of the approved changes and the public comment period for the draft documents. Eric Foxman has been deeply involved in the drafting and revisions of these important guideline documents for the past several years. He is joined by AAHP Board member Mary Beth Watkins, who has been leading the drafting of a brand new guideline document on Homeopathic Drug Stability Guidelines. The third presenter will be Eric Baier, a member of the HPCUS Council on Pharmacy, where he chaired the ad hoc subcommittee that created an updated Homeopathic Labeling Guideline document.
View this AAHP presentation on the 2014 changes and proposed updates to the HPUS. This 90 minute webinar archive will provide you with a concise overview of important information contained in the new guideline documents as well as giving you insights into how comments on the proposed changes can be submitted to the HPCUS. The Archive DVD contains all the handouts available during the original on-line event.
Note: this webinar can also be utilized by your staff in fulfillment of your required mandatory training requirements. Homeopathic manufacturers and marketers have found the AAHP to be an excellent third party source for this training.
Who should view this webinar?
- Owners, CEOs and management responsible for regulatory compliance.
- Staff responsible for compliant labeling.
- QA/QC personnel who need to know the guidance information provided by the HPUS for stability assurance.
- Manufacturers, contract manufacturers and private label producers responsible for product development and support of their clients’ marketing.
- Marketers of private label brands responsible for compliant labeling of their homeopathic products.
Webinar DVD archives can be ordered directly from the AAHP office at 4332 SE Logus Road, Milwaukie, OR 97222. The cost of the DVD Archive is $239 (includes S&H); AAHP members get a $100 discount.
[button color=”blue” url=”mailto:info@theaahp.org?subject=HPUS Updates 2014 Webinar Archive Inquiry” size=”small”]Click here to order.[/button]