Watch On-Demand: HRI State of Research for Homeopathy
In case you missed it live, by request AAHP has decided to make our recent seminar on the State of Research in Homeopathy available for on-demand viewing. At this webinar, the Homeopathic Research Institute’s Chief Executive and one of the world’s leading homeopathic research experts Rachel Roberts presented an updated encore of her sold-out lecture from nearly three years ago.
This on-demand webinar is only available for viewing through March 30, 2024, regardless of what access is purchased. This event cost $49 to attend live, but can be viewed on-demand for a one-time cost of only $9.
Many in the homeopathy sector say there is “loads” of evidence homeopathy works. Detractors say there is no evidence at all that homeopathy is anything more than a placebo effect. As is often the case, the reality is in between these extremes. In this presentation we will look at the true status of the clinical evidence base for homeopathy — including both its strengths and weaknesses — as well as identifying where some of the frequently repeated myths surrounding this topic originate, so they can be firmly dispelled.