2024 Year in Review

By Mark Land, MS, RAC-US, AAHP President
As 2024 comes to a close, let’s reflect on some of the news related to homeopathy and AAHP’s achievements.
General News Affecting Homeopathy in 2024
- January: The Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association published a study conducted by staff at FDA with the University of Alabama to see if adverse events found using “natural language processing” in Amazon reviews for homeopathic cough and cold products could compliment those reported in FDA’s Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS).
- January 26: FDA’s final document, “Best Practices for FDA Staff in the Postmarketing Safety Surveillance of Human Drug and Biological Products” is made available. AAHP distributed an eblast.
- May 21: FDA’s Division of Drug Information in the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) hosted a webinar entitled, “FDA Drug Topics: Fraudulent Drugs: You’re Using What?” Homeopathy was briefly discussed.
- July: Toluna Harris Interactive published a new quantitative study of 16,334 people in 16 countries that showed the popularity of homeopathy internationally, its positive perceptions, and use in the future. AAHP distributed an eblast on this opportunity to promote homeopathy and highlight its benefits.
- August 8: Innovations in Pharmacy published a new peer-reviewed study, “Teaching Homeopathy in U.S. Pharmacy Schools” that showed more than half (84 of 137) of U.S. schools of pharmacy that responded to a survey reported teaching homeopathy to pharmacy students. The study’s co-author and University of Iowa professor was a guest speaker at an AAHP event.
- August 28: AAHP distributed a special eblast on FTC issuing a rule to crack down on fake consumer review, which took effect Oct. 21.
- August: Six homeopathic OTC brands were ranked either as most trusted by pharmacists in America or placed second in a poll with 80 winners by Newsweek and BrandSpark, a market research firm.
- September 25: The Rand Foundation published an 83-page report entitled, “The State of Homeopathic Research” in which it discusses how funders, researchers, and practitioners need direction on how to improve clinical research on homeopathy to provide robust evidence on its efficacy, comparative effectiveness, and safety.
- October 23: Alliance for Natural Health announced it is suing FDA to exempt homeopathic products from being evaluated for safety and efficacy. AAHP summarized the case to members.
- Throughout 2024: FDA issued warning letters to five homeopathic manufacturers. Two contract manufacturers who produce both allopathic and homeopathic OTCs also received warning letters, but not specifically for homeopathic products. In comparison, 21 firms of sorts involved with homeopathic manufacturing and marketing received warning letters in 2023. The letters were mainly for products treating skin tags, colic, and eye irritations.
AAHP’s Research Initiative
AAHP worked, again, with the American Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education. This year AFPE found a lead researcher for AAHP’s proposed study on the safety of homeopathic drug products. An associate professor at Auburn University’s College of Pharmacy will lead the year-long examination of adverse events (AEs) and their characteristics in the FDA Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS), as well as quantitatively assess reporting risk of serious AEs associated with homeopathic drugs. Look for the launch of this exciting study soon.
AAHP Support of and Exchange with the Homeopathic Community
- Met quarterly with Homeopathic Action Alliance.
- Met quarterly with Homeopathic Advocacy Working Group.
- In-touch regularly with the president of Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia Convention of the United States.
- Met monthly with Americans for Homeopathy Choice.
- Met with incoming president of American Institute of Homeopathy.
- Met with Academy for Homeopathy Education and HOHM.
- Met with National Center for Homeopathy.
- Supported preview of documentary Introducing Homeopathy during JAHC to demonstrate the demand to Netflix via e-blast.
- Met with Homeopathic Research Institute.
- Promoted directories from CEDH, HHN, AIH, NCH, NASH, and CHC to connect patients with homeopaths on AAHP’s website and social media.
AAHP Events
- Extended access to video of Sept. 2023 AAHP-HRI State of Research for Homeopathy as a fundraiser.
- Presented to pharmacy students at Saint Joseph’s University.
- Hosted Annual Membership Meeting focused on HPCUS project and elections.
- Presented to Center for Education and Development of Clinical Homeopathy on regulatory environment.
- Hosted Water Treatment System Seminar with two FDA speakers.
- Hosted Semiannual Membership Meeting with University of Auburn’s Dr. Qian regarding AAHP’s proposed study on safety of homeopathy.
- Presented to pharmacy students at the University of Pacific.
- Commemorating 100 years promoting integrity, quality, and trust in homeopathic medicines, AAHP published a 47-page informative booklet chronicling past milestones, assessing the current situations, and looking to secure the future.
- AAHP’s new name and new logo were incorporated onto material and our website.
- Twelve issues of AAHP Network News delivered 50 original articles focused on homeopathy. Our Editorial Committee just planned our exciting 2025 schedule.
- The “Pursuit of Science” video series was launched, interviewing nine researchers throughout the world on their work on homeopathy.
- Roughly 20 social media posts were distributed each month on LinkedIn, Facebook, and X.
- AAHP’s analysis of adverse events was featured in a Whole Foods magazine article.
From all of us at AAHP, we wish you a prosperous year in 2025 and look forward to serving your needs!