Homeopathic Pharmacopeia – 2014 Updates – Is Your Company Ready? Webinar Archive

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AAHP Compliance Thru Education Webinar ARCHIVE In 2014, the Homeopathic Pharmacopeia Convention of the United States (HPCUS) completed another round of updates building on the changes that were drafted in 2013 and approved for final publication in April of that year. In addition to the finalized and approved Guidelines for Manufacturing Homeopathic Medicines, four new…

Homeopathic Labeling: The FDA Is Watching – Webinar Archive

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AAHP Compliance Thru Education Webinar ARCHIVE More than at any other time, the FTC and FDA continue to increase their scrutiny of homeopathic drug labeling and advertising. In order to protect your consumers, your brands, and your business, it is critical to have a thorough understanding of regulatory requirements. This webinar provides a comprehensive overview…

Homeopathic Pharmacopeia — 2013 Updates: What Might Affect Your Business Webinar Archive

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AAHP Compliance Thru Education Webinar ARCHIVE The Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States, HPUS, as an official compendium recognized by the FDA,  is critical to every manufacturer, formulator and contract marketer. You know the HPUS is a key reference for the manufacture of homeopathic medicines. But do you also know it is a continually updated…

Homeopathic Market – Consumer Trends and Insights Webinar Archive

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The market for homeopathic and herbal remedies continues to grow. Due to increased healthcare costs and insurance issues, more consumers are proactive about their health and wellness. This, paired with the fact that consumers are using more organic and natural products, could help fuel the growth of homeopathic remedies. Furthermore, product recalls of various OTC…

FDA Hot Topics – Webinar Archive

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AAHP Compliance Thru Education Webinar ARCHIVE Current FDA activities emphasize compliance with 21 CFR 211 Subpart E for components and raw materials. The FDA has repeatedly stated: all raw materials must receive at least an ID test to confirm it is the correct material according to the HPUS, USP or other appropriate authority. Marketing companies…

How To Survive a Product Recall Webinar Archive

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AAHP Compliance Thru Education Webinar ARCHIVE It may not be possible to be fully prepared to conduct a product recall but with good preparation you and your company will survive and your reputation and your relationship with your customers will remain intact. What the FDA Expects…… When an adverse event, product quality failure, or manufacturing…

The Homeopathic Market – Analytical Tools for Understanding and Growth Webinar Archive

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Homeopathic consumers, users and supporters are a breed apart. They are that special segment of the natural products / natural health consumer population that supports and uses complimentary medicines. All homeopathic manufacturers and marketers would be excited to learn more about these unique consumers, their interests, motivations and purchasing habits. Now there is an opportunity…